Each day should begin with changes you’ve created.

    Making change make a difference for you.

    Welcome to our infinite futures.

    [su_pullquote align=”right”]Looking ahead gives you more time to grasp opportunities.[/su_pullquote]Foresight, futures research, futures studies; change management, long-range planning and strategic planning; servant leadership, learning organizations:  many different concepts and approaches, yet each springs from our eternal concern about the future — and each contributes to our fluency in thinking creatively about the futures we can build.

    This website promotes the exploration of a wide variety of alternative futures: it offers tools, references, personal perspectives, and links that can help you acquire futures fluency yourself.

    Your future is yours to create.

    From the Blog

      Extinction’s toll could rival climate change

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      In “Extinction’s toll could rival climate change,” scientists at McGill University in Canada point out that extinctions create holes in the fabric of the biosphere.  The shredding lace of biodiversity “has the potential to affect plant production just as much as global warming and pollution.” What’s causing extinctions?  We are.

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      Wild card: the Sun kisses the Earth

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      In “1859s “Great Auroral Storm”—the week the Sun touched the earth,” Matthew Lasar writes an evocative history of a past ‘wild card’ event – 1859’s massive solar flare that created auroral storms visible over much of the Earth. If you want a future projection of this scenario, you have no farther …

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      Black Mirror: 15 Million Merits

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      Channel Four offers us the second installment of Charlie Brooker‘s Black Mirror trilogy of post-modern, far-present, near-future video morality plays.  If the first episode scoured across politics, social networks, and news journalism, the second sands away dismissals of reality TV talent contests as entertaining fluff. Related articles Black Mirror: 15 Million Merits, Channel …

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      Our Services

        Scenario Exploring

        We can’t predict the future. But we can make better decisions today by exploring possible outcomes of onrushing changes. Scenario explorations amplify not only strategic decision-making, but creativity and innovation. Future-proof yourself.

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        Foresight Training

        High-energy, high-challenge, high-humored workshops, seminars, keynotes, and coaching that puts you ahead of change rather than behind the competition.

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        The essence of foresight is taking the long view – spotting emerging change before it overtakes you and your plans.  Learn where to look for it, and what to do with it when you spot it.

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          “I’ve worked with Wendy on client projects where we had to deliver complex material in sometimes difficult circumstances, and on knowledge projects where we were trying to extend thinking in the futures and scenarios field. She’s a great resource – a ‘walking google’ of techniques and methods – a good facilitator, a constant source of project ideas and innovation, and someone who always wants the whole team to look good and to do well.” April 27, 2009

          Andrew Curry, Director, The Futures Company

          “Consider Wendy your personal oracle (without the trip to Delphi). If you have need, and appreciate the value of knowing long-term trends before others see them, crave understanding the forces that shape our global society, and prefer to be on top of the waves of change, rather than being swept under by them, then talk to Dr. Wendy Schultz…often.” March 31, 2008

          Wayne Brockman, President and CEO, Thoughtworx R&D Corporation

          “Dr. Schultz was an invaluable member of our foresight team for a recent Fortune 50 scenario project. Her deep and extensive knowledge of the futures field, her experience as a talented facilitator, and her ability to continuously and consistently do what was in the best interests of the team all made our work both highly productive as well as highly enjoyable!” November 21, 2011

          Dr Richard Lum, Vision Foresight Strategy LLC