The primary goal of this
class is orienteering: exploring the scope of futures studies as
a field, where and how it developed and how that shapes its assumptions,
who contributed what ideas, where it seems to be going [and what
it seems to be avoiding], so that participants as individuals can
negotiate their own relationship to the field as a whole and find
the niche in theory and practice that feels appropriate for them.
Not to mention defining the basic concepts, reviewing theories,
and having a look at the available research tools.
- a scanning
journal, which students will augment throughout the semester,
periodically reporting results to the class as a whole -- 25%
of the final grade;
- five two-page written
assignments: student's choice of a social change theory; student's
preferred research methods; critical evaluation of a futures report;
two scenarios; and a plan statement for a vision -- 10% each,
for 50% of the final grade;
- final essay (approximately
10 pages) comparing two futurists' work and styles, with student's
own futures research choices with regard to substance, method,
and products -- 25% of final grade.
Formats for each assignment/class
activity: specific, detailed descriptions of the format and content
required for each assignment to be handed in will be included in
the coursepack. As an example, the scanning journal format is described
- Social change theories:
exploratory essays;
- Incasting
exercise: scenarios used and resulting "headlines;"
- Scenario
building: welcome to our futures!
- Vision
exercise: instructions and initial goals list;
- Planning achievement:
strategies and stakeholders.
- Understanding intellectual
precedents of futures as a field, and able to relate it to other
intellectual disciplines and research endeavors;
- Define foundation
concepts, perspectives, methods, products, and applications of
futures research;
- Locate personal research
interests, skills, and goals within the futures field;
- Establish personal
database on trends of change and emerging issues of change for
use in future futures research;
- Communicate the above
clearly to others via discussion, presentation, and writing;
Use the Internet and WorldWide Web for research.
Required Texts
COATES, Joseph and Jennifer JARRATT
What Futurists Believe 1989 DC: Lomond/World Future Society.
SENGE, Peter M.
The Fifth Discipline 1990 New York: Doubleday/Currency.
The Foresight Principle: Cultural Recovery in the 21st Century
1995 London: Adamantine Press.
BLACKMAN, Colin ed.
FUTURES: What Futurists Believe
August 1996 special issue, S. Inayatullah, guest editor.
Plus a coursepack of
selected articles, available in the bookstore 9/6.
MARIEN, Michael and Lane JENNINGS, eds.
What I Have Learned 1987 London: Greenwood Press.
The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future 1994 Waite Group
The Art of the Long View 1991 New York: Doubleday
BENNIS, Warren and Burt
Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge 1985 New York: