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Fall Semester 2001
Faculty: Professor B.Quill, bquill@sph.uth.tmc.edu
Dr. Wendy L. Schultz, wendy@infinitefutures.com
Dr. B.J.Selwyn, bselwyn@sph.uth.tmc.edu

Course Description | Course Modules and Assignments


In addition to class attendance, class participation, and displaying familiarity with the assigned reading material, students will be responsible for the following:

  • Scanning journal: each student will keep a journal in which they note emerging issues of change culled from journals, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, the Internet or any other media. Entries of approximately one paragraph; twelve to fifteen entries required by the end of term (December 4th). Be prepared to tell us something in class --- we will have a brief period for "scanning hits" in most classes.
  • A book report of approximately 5-7 pages; also to be summarized in class, with an accompanying one-page, bullet-point handout highlighting key ideas; due September 18th, 25th, or October 2rd.
  • A short essay -- 2-3 pages -- offering your personal reflection on the leadership characteristics discussed in class, especially vis-a-vis your personality type and learning style; due October 9th.
  • A working group report on one of the leadership models, including an assessment of strengths and weaknesses, and examples of that model from the micro, institutional, and macro levels of the public health infrastructure. Prepared as bullet-point handouts and a 15-20 minute presentation to the class, due October 30th.
  • A final, individual report wherein each student will choose one emerging issue of change critical to public health, discuss its possible impacts and outcomes, choose a leadership style most appropriate to addressing that critical issue, and offer two or three strategies for addressing that issue appropriate to the leadership model chosen. Conclude by commenting/showing how well suited you are to this particular leadership style (demonstrate goodness of fit); due November 27th or December 4th.


Course Schedule:
Introductions and overview of the course. Book report signup. Scanning journal explanation. Discussion of the following: What is public health? What is leadership? What is authority? management? power? (Selwyn, Schultz & Quill)
Students complete the Kolb Learning Style Inventory in class; are given instructions for completing the Keirsey (Myers-Briggs) Personality Inventory on-line after class.
Handout: Questions to think about for the next class; book review guidelines and list of references;.
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapters 5-8.

Constructing the class's mental map of public health, internationally, nationally, locally, and institutionally. What is it, and where are each of us in it? Public health core functions and essential services. where do we want to be in twenty years? (Quill )
Hand out Public Health Leadership Competencies list
Begin presentation of leadership models (Selwyn); discuss readings and the fit between personality types, learning styles, and different leadership models.
For next week, read: Spears on Greenleaf; Ackoff; Rowitz, chapters 1 and 2; Senge, chapter on Personal Mastery; Keirsey; review pages on personality styles (e.g., extraversion vs. intraversion, etc.); Rost; Tucker; Bennis & Nanus;

Models of leadership: what are the basic concepts and relationships encompassed by the term "leadership"? What's the history of scholarly, political, and managerial thinking on the subject? What are the different modes, styles, or approaches to leadership? What kinds of leadership styles do we find most often in public health? in medicine? in public policy? How well do those leadership approaches work in public health? Are they a good fit with the overarching public health mission? What tools and techniques are paired with the various leadership models? (Selwyn)
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 6; handouts on foresight and futures studies.
For October 9th, draft a 2-3 page essay of your personal reflections on the leadership characteristics in relation to your personality type and learning style; handout guidelines for the essay.
Remember to prepare for your book reports for, 9/18, 9/25, or 10/2! Match students & dates.
For next week, read: Schultz et al.; Nicholson et al.; Johnson.

Introduction to foresight and futures studies: how can people and organizations anticipate change? is there any effective way to cope with the uncertainties of the future? how can we create better futures? how do foresight tools contribute to planning and management? (Schultz and Selwyn)
Book reports.
For next week, read: Kauffman (not in course pack), Senge: systems archetypes; Anderson & Johnson; Lammers & Pandita; Rowitz, chapter 3.

Systems: what do we mean by the term, "a systems perspective"? What are the basic concepts and key components of a systems perspective? What is causal loop diagramming, and how is it useful in research and in management? (Schultz, Selwyn & Quill)
Book reports.
Review guidelines for "final individual report".
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 10.

Systems: practice identifying systems archetypes around us, and in public health. What is chaos? What are complex adaptive systems? How can these concepts solve systemic problems?
Remainder of book reports. (Schultz and Selwyn)
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 16.
Remember to bring your personal essay on leadership models, due October 9th!

Environmental scanning and monitoring emerging issues of change: how can we anticipate the public health problems of the future? Can we as a group create a prototype "early warning system" for public health issues? What are tools to explore the impacts of emerging changes? How does the systems perspective enhance those tools? (Schultz and Selwyn)
Turn in short essay to instructors.
Organize working groups on leadership models.
For next week, read: Garrett on scenarios (not in course pack) van der Heijden; Schreuder; Bezold; "The Plague Years 1996-2020"; The Hemingford Scenarios;

Scenarios: what is a scenario of the future? why are scenarios useful? how can we use them in planning? how can we create them? what are some examples of public health scenarios? (Schultz, Selwyn & Quill)
Working groups on leadership models.
For next week, read: Senge on vision (not in course pack); Garrett on vision (not in course pack) Kakabadse;

Vision: what do we mean by vision? how does visioning relate to leadership? what are approaches to creating vision? what are some examples of public health visions? (Schultz and Selwyn)
Working groups on leadership models.
For next week, read: per Dr. Bishop.
Working groups: bring handouts and presentations on your leadership model next week!

Critical thinking: how can we apply critical thinking, not just in our research, but in managing, leading, participating, and coping with change? Concepts of evidence, assumption, and inference. Applying critical thinking to emerging issues of change in public health. (Selwyn and Quill; guest lecturer: Dr. Peter Bishop)
Working groups report their analysis of their leadership model.
For next week, read: Doyle and Strauss (not in readings); Dealing with difficult people displays; Rowitz, chapters 9 and 11.

Communicating foresight and vision: skills in teambuilding. What is the difference between facilitating planning and facilitating exploration? How would you facilitate a public focus group vs. a group of professional colleagues? (Selwyn and Quill; guest speaker: Michelle Lewis of Interaction Associates)
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 11; review Keirsey material; other readings per Dr. Moore.

Personal leadership styles. What's yours? Revisiting your Personality Inventory and personal Learning Style. Decision making in groups. (Selwyn & Quill, guest speaker: Dr. Frank Moore)
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 12; other readings per the guest speaker.

Diversity issues. Guest speakers, to be arranged.
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapters 13-14.

What would improve public health training? Can we imagine an innovative approach to public health leadership mentoring? How do we measure effective leadership, and growth in leadership skills? (Selwyn & Quill, Schultz via Internet?)
Student reports.
For next week, read: Rowitz, chapter 15.

What are other issues that public health should address in evaluating leadership? in researching effective leadership strategies and skills? (Selwyn & Quill, Schultz by Internet)
Student reports. Course evaluation.

End of class!

> Resources > Course Syllabi > Intro | Classics | Systems | Methods | Facilitation | Governance | Images | World | Leadership

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