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9 FEBRUARY 2003 / NOTE: THIS COURSE DESIGN IS UNDERGOING REVISION; this description, on which the revised course will be based, is provided for your information while adjustments are made to readings and assignments.
Check back on 16 February 2003.

Summer Residential Intensive Session 2003
Monday - Thursday, 1:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Dr. Wendy L. Schultz

Course Description | Assignments: Personal Essay | Future Generations | Scanning | Foresight Framework Report

Course Assignment:
Future-Oriented Personal Essay.


This assignment has two parts. Part I you complete the first week of class, and hand in the second class session. Part II you complete near the end of the semester, adding it on to your initial essay.

Part I. (Approximately three pages.)

Write a brief future-oriented personal essay, the first phase of which is due the first day of class, containing each of the following elements:

A. Where you lived during your childhood; the type of culture you grew up in; the view of the future that was communicated to you -- both directly and indirectly -- by your parents and other people who influenced you strongly.

B. The view of the future you now hold. For now, don't worry about what aspects of the future to describe or how to do it: just write about the main things that come to mind.

C. The nature of your current employment; your current educational objectives; your career objectives and/or what you intend to "do" with your education; and/or what you see yourself doing in the future, other than at work, that is important to you. Does your view of the future in any way influence how you look at your career? If so, how?

D. Why you took this course; things that you particularly what to learn in this course; what topics you would like the instructor to cover in lecture or discussion. STOP. Hand in when you arrive in class this summer.

Part II. (Approximately two pages.)
E. Extend the essay by rewriting section "B": that is, set in writing how your view of the future has changed by taking this course (and any other courses that have changed your view of the future). COMPLETE LAST WEEK OF COURSE; hand in with your final assignments.

F. Also extend the essay by writing in more detail how your new view of the future could help you in your career -- both by making better career choices, and by how you "do" the career(s) that you anticipate having.


> Resources > Course Syllabi > Intro | Classics | Systems | Methods | Facilitation | Governance | Images | World | Leadership

15 February 2003. Email IF.
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